Plastic Arts II

Course Code:



2nd Semester

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:






• Adaptation to new design fields of the architectural space
• Autonomous work
• Generation of new research ideas
• Promotion of free, creative and inductive thinking

Course content

Design and creation of a three-dimensional development of recurring volumes and its virtual adaptation to the public space with references:
• The body as an important factor in defining form.
• To objects, as an extension of the body and its environment.
• To the conceptual reading of symbols as they have been shaped in contemporary visual thinking.

The course is supported by a series of lectures in modules on the thematic axis: Body, Concept, Space.

• The conceptual loading of plastic symbols in contemporary visual expression.
• Recording experiential space with audiovisual media.
• The transformation of space with digital audiovisual media.
• Space as a receptor of plastic transformations and transformations.
• Introduction to the technique of negative casting, single or broken in plaster or rubber

The introduction to image processing programs is carried out alongside the lectures and supported by independent exercises in digital representation.

Programme aims

In the second semester of Plastic Arts, emphasis is placed on the development of personal expression and the different reading/interpretation of a given subject by each student. The production of forms focuses on the research and design of three-dimensional form in the development of multiple combinations, with the aim of forming a rhythmic composition of repeated solids.

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding

After the end of the course students:
• Will understand the correspondence of scale between public space and volume.
• They will be able to produce three-dimensional forms of design applications.
• They will have gained an empirical knowledge on the technique of the cast.
• They will have enriched their design skills and abilities


• Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, (1991).
• Edward W. Soja, Postmodern Geographies: the reassertion of space in critical social theory, (1989).
• Marc Augé, Non-Places, introduction to anthropology of supermodernity, (1995). London, N.Y.: Verso.
• Miwon Kwon, One place after another, site-specific art and locational identity, (2004). Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.