Interior Architecture IV

Course Code:



D' Semester

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:





The series of synthetic courses in Interior Architecture are at the core of the department’s epistemological context. These courses aim at exploring theories and practices that relate to individual areas, scales and construction practices in the field of architectural interior design. They develop detailed and synthetic ideas on issues that consist of both research and practice, and study the dimensions of human presence in different environments, ranging from an individual room to the public urban space. Studies carried out in these classes encourage the use of the creative mental process in design and introduce the interior space as a field of ​​critical thinking, a carrier of social relations and a construct that communicates specific spatial identities by using narratives, as well as objects and materials. At the same time, students familiarise themselves with a conception of ​​design that is meant to be understood both as a methodological approach and a holistic human-centered experience, including the dimension of physical, cognitive, and programmatic ergonomics. Thus, through these courses, the analytical and synthetic process, critical thinking, holistic vision, decision-making and interdisciplinary approaches that encompass all aspects of interior architectural design are enhanced through scalable knowledge and practical applications.

Cource content

The course includes theory and studio work combined in one module, with the theory part supporting studio work throughout the entire course of the semester.

The studio part includes the study of a project or a series of projects related to the design intervention in a specific built shell, with the aim of re-designing it to meet the needs of a given educational program.

At the same time, the theoretical part builds on a series of lectures arranged in modules on a thematic axis covering the considerations, goals and requirements that the design of a modern educational space must meet.

The course is organized on a series of lectures / lectures by the lecturer and visiting professors in combination with an appropriately tailored exercise or exercises in the subject area specified at the beginning of the academic semester. Supplementary theoretical or applied exercises may also be requested which the scope of raising questions that need to be answered, on the one hand through bibliographical research and the preparation of research work, on the other hand through public dialogue and the exchange of views during the participatory process of the lesson in class. Students’ active involvement through interventions, feedback and information is strongly encouraged.


Programme aims

The course seeks a holistic approach to identifying and analyzing the pedagogical dimension and the particular needs and requirements (educational, psychological, etc.) of educational and child care spaces, with the aim of nurturing and developing the students’ synthetic competence in the organization and design of these spaces. Special attention is given to familiarizing themselves with the use of a range of design tools and practices, with a focus on using templates and mock-ups to help refine their synthetic idea and achieve a well-presented and interesting proposal.

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding

Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to
– Link the general scope of spatial design with the specific requirements arising from a given programmatic approach.
– Link the study of the project with the research process required to understand the specific spatial and functional programmatic requirements.
– Build the study on a specialized epistemological base
– Delve deeper into the theme of educational spaces


Brubaker W.C., (1998), Planning and Designing schools, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co

Dewey J., (2004), L’école et l’enfant, Paris, Fabert

DudekM., (2000), Architecture of Schools: The new learning environments, Architectural Press

Dudek M., (2005), Children’s Spaces, Architectural Press

Dudek M., (2007), Écoles et jardins d’enfants – Projets et réalisations, Infolio. Τίτλος στα Αγγλικά: Schools and Kindergartens – A Design Manual

Piaget J., (1967), La psychologie de l’intelligence, Paris, Armand Colin

Spencer C., Blades M. (Eds), (2006), Children and Their Environments: Learning, Using and Designing Spaces, Cambridge University Press

Upton D., (2004), L’architecture scolaire, Essai d’historiographie internationale, No spécial de la revue Histoire de l’éducation, INPR

Châteaux J., (1985), L’enfant et le jeu, Scarabée

Derouet-Besson M.C., (1998), Les Murs de l’école, Paris, Métailié

Develay M., (1996), Donner du sens à l’école, Paris, ESF, collection Pratiques et enjeux pédagogiques

Durkheim E., (1993, 4η έκδοση), Éducation et sociologie, Paris, PUF

Mazalto M., (2008), Architecture scolaire et réussite éducative, Ouvrage collectif, Paris, Fabert

Sorrell J., Sorrell F., (2005), Joined Up Design for Schools, Merrell Publishers Ltd