Philosophy, Aesthetics and Psychology

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The concept of philosophy and the subject of “aesthetics”. Investigation of forms as a source of existential meanings, but also creation of forms as a consequence of the philosophical foundations of societies. Historical Consideration: Presocratics, Plato, Aristotle, Neoplatonism, Medieval Thought and Art, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Husserl, Heidegger. Aesthetics from Baumgarten to the modern era. Adorno, Benjamin, Marcuse, Bachelard. Aesthetic theorems. Western Modernity and contemporary developments and prospects.

Introduction to the subject of philosophy. Short historical review. Relations between religion and philosophy. Pre-modern and Modern period.The intertemporal role of Art. The imaginary/philosophical foundations of man and societies. Relations between man, space and form. The greek proposal and its evolution. The medieval times. Introduction to Modernity: the period up to the 18th century. 18th century and the introduction of “Aesthetics” as a branch of philosophy. Romanticism as fundamental deviation from modernity. Rupture with the past: 20th century, New Art and Modernism. Expressionism, Surrealism and “Art Brut” (outsider art). The modern greek proposal and the 30s generation. New developments: postmodernism, deconstruction. Towards a post-modern epoch: new wordview and new view of reality


Structure and function of the psychic system. Relation between image and reality.
Relation between image and word.The «mirror stage» and the perception of the image of reality. Relation between image and self-image.Glance genetics and ontology.The notion of metaphor and metonymy in the visual representation.
Image as a sign.Relation between art language and language of dream.
Art as a mechanism of defence of «ego». Portrait: The notion of desire in humans and the relation with their image.Image as a text.The notion of the form and the frame.Image as an algorithm of desire/fear.The selfie phenomenon and the notion of identity on the net.Homo Photographicus: psychoanalytic-anthropological view of the photography.

Analysis of the components of the lacanian topology in art. Structural analysis of art as a signifier.The artist’s psychology and the meaning of critique. Introduction in art psychopathology.Narcissism as syntax of art.Art in the theory of S. Freud and J. Lacan.The potential of guilt and time as components of art.The component of sexuality in art.The notions of loss and mourning in art.The notion of «void» as a structural condition of art.The notion of subjectivity in art.Art as a transcendence of reality and the influence from Romanticism.Primitive art (primeval expressions of Africa and the Pacific) and Modernism.The adventure of art from 1950 and Metamodernism.Psychoanalytic view of the body in photography: Molinier, Witkin, Serrano.The notions of Kant’s «sublime» and «beauty» in post-Lyotard era.
Wittgenstein and the notion of «showing».The notion of the form and the mechanism of change.The obscure side of art: from Van Eyck to Abramovich.Body art.
Conceptual art.The abstraction in the history of art.Music in the 20th century and the philosophy of art.Art today.Art brut, J. Beuys, Immaterial art.The end of art according to Hegel, Marx, Adorno, Debord, Baudrillard.Heidegger, Danto, Bourriaud.

The notion of space as an imaginative relation of the subject with the world.


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BAYER RAYMOND., “Histoire de l’esthetique”, ed. Armand Colin, Paris 1961.
BOUDON PHILIPPE, “Sur l’espace architectural”, edit. Dunod, Paris 1971.
CHEVALIER J., “Les Grecs et les Romains”, ed. Planete, Paris 1967, “Dictionnaire des symboles”, Seghers 1974.
COUDERC PAUL, “Histoire de l’Astronomie”, Que Sais-je. No 165, ed. P.U.F.
DAVY M.M., “Initiation a la symbolique Romane”, ed. Flammarion 1977.
DEMARGNE PIERRE, “La naissance de l’Art Grec”, ed. Gallimard 1974.
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GOYION GEORGES, “Le secret des pyramides”, ed. Pygmalion, Paris 1977.
GRABAR ANDRE, “L’age d’or de Justinien”, ed. Gallimard, Paris 1966, “Le premier art Cretien”, Gallimard, Paris 1964.
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HALL EDWARD, “La dimension cachee”, ed. Seuil 1979.
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HEIDEGGER MAR., “Essais et conferences”, ed. Gallimard, Paris 1958,
HOFSTATTER HANS, “Gotique”, ed. L’Equerre, Suisse 1964.
KERENYO CHARLES “Introduction a l’essence de la mythologie”, ed. Payot.
KAUFMANN PIERRE, “L’experience emotionnelle de l’espace”, edit. J. Vrin,
Paris 1981.
KOYRE ALEX., “Du Monde clos a l’Univers infini”, edit. Gallimard, Paris 1962.
LABBE F., S. SALAT, “Createurs du Japon”, edit. Herman, Paris 1986.
LALANDE ANDRE, “Vocabulaire technique et critique de la philosophie”, ed. PUF, Paris 1972.
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LEVY P., SERAUD M., “Anthropologie de l’espace”, edit. C.C.I., Paris 1983.
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NORBERG-SCHULZ C., “La signification dans l’architecture occidentale”, ed. P. Mardaga, Bruxelles 1974, “Systeme logique de l’architecture”, ed. P. Mardaga, Bruxelles 1974.
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PANOFSKY ERWIN, “Architecture gotique et pensee scolastique”, ed. de Minuit, Paris 1967.
PAPAIOANNOU K., “L’Art Grec”, ed. Mazenod, Paris 1972.
PAYOT DANIEL, “Le philosophie et l’architecte”, edit. An. Montaigne, Paris 1982.
PICARD GILBERT, “Empire Romain”, ed. L’Equerre, Paris 1964.
QUEYSANNE BRUNO, “Le retour a la philosophie, Merleau-Ponty et l’architecture”, trev. Art Press, Hors seri No 2/1983.
PIEGL ALOIS, “Grammaire Historique des Arts Plastiques”, ed. Klincksieck,
Paris 1978.
SALAT SERGE, “Deconstruction de l’espace occidental” και “Les fragments du monde classique”, περ. L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, No. 250/1987.
TSCHUMI BERN., “Architecture, limites et programme”, Art Press, Horts seri No. 2, J-J-O 1983.
ZEVI BRUNO, “Apprendre a voir l’architecture”