Tousi Evgenia

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Dr. Evgenia Tousi works as a freelance architect and urban planner since 2007. She holds a Master’s Degree in Architecture (2007) from National Technical University of Athens, a Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning (NTUA,2009) and a Master’s Degree in Environmental Design of Cities and Buildings (Hellenic Open University,2017). She received her PhD in 2014 from National Technical University of Athens, School of Architecture, sector of Urban and Regional Planning. In 2019 she completed her post-doctoral researcher at National Technical University of Athens, School of Architecture.

She has been teaching since 2010 in several BA and MA programms. She has worked at Piraeus University of applied Sciences, at the School of Pedagogical and Technical Education, at the University of West Attica and the Hellenic Open University. She has also worked as an assistant lecturer at NTUA. In addition she has participated in many research projects conducted by the Laboratory of Planning Methology and Space Regulation (NTUA), the National Documentation Centre and the Hellenic Statistical Authority.

She is a certified adult educator from the Ministry of Εducation, Research and Religious affairs (2018) and a certified educator in distance learning courses (Hellenic Open University, 2018).

Her main research interests include issues of urban socio-spatial transformations, refugee settlements, sustainability, housing policies, urbanization, globalization, and brownfield regeneration policies. Her scientific work has been published in international journals and book chapters. She is a reviewer at Common Ground Research Networks, University of Illinois Research Park, Champaign USA.

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