Interior designer, graduated from the Department of Decorative Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens [1982]. She studied Pedagogy at the Pedagogical Technical School [PATES] | SELETE [1984]. She completed her postgraduate studies at the School of Applied Arts of the Hellenic Open University, specializing in the field of Graphic Arts and Multimedia Technology [2008]. Lecturer of the Department of Interior Architecture, Faculty of Applied Arts and Culture, of the University of West Attica. Member of the main research team of the Design, Interior Architecture and Audiovisual Documentation Laboratory of the School of Applied Arts and Culture of the University of West Attica. She teaches the subject Communication and Space. For many years has taught the subjects of Interior Architecture, Decorative Applications and Design Methodology in the Department of Interior Architecture, Decorative Arts & Design, of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, at the Technological Educational Institute of Athens. Her academic work includes creating course content, writing of texts, supervision of dissertations and lectures, participation in the department’s work and participation in external actions with social and cultural actors. Her scientific work includes participation in international scientific conferences with judges, electronic libraries and international scientific journals with judges. Her research interests are related to Human Computer Interaction [HCI], with emphasis on Human Centered Design [UCD] and Ubiquitous Computing [Ubicomp].