Application Lecturer
Γραφείο Β Τομέα Μαθημάτων
Architect Engineer N.T.U.A. | MSc
Architect Interior T.E.I. of Athens
Lecturer, School of Applied Arts and Culture, Department of Interior Architecture, University of West Attica
Born in Crete. He studied decorative at Technological Educational Institution (T.E.I.) of Athens, graduating in 1992, he continued his studies at the School of Architecture N.T.U.A. he graduated in 1996, acquired postgraduate degree at the same School in 2003, in the scientific area of Architecture language, Communication, Planning at Interdepartmental Graduate Program in direction A: Design – Space – Culture. He is a PhD candidate in NTUA, Department of Architectural Engineering, Department III “Architectural Language, Communication and Design” with the subject: “Greece of Modernism: The Furniture of Hotel Complexes, 1950-1970”.
Since 1998 he has taught the synthetic and laboratory courses: Architecture Interior Design: Recreational spaces – Workplaces – Educational spaces – Spaces of Entertainment & Culture, Structural Art, Design Methodology, Furniture Design: Construction, Industrial Design: Furniture and has been in charge of proposed numerous lectures and diplomatic section work students.
Since 2019 he is a regular lecturer in Applied Design at the University of West Attica, School of Applied Arts and Culture in the Department of Interior Architecture with subject in “Furniture design” and responsible for the specialized courses: Furniture design I (4th semester), II (5th semester) , III (7th semester).
He has participated in international conferences and publications in international conferences and in international journals refereed by themes: Furniture Hotels Modernism, Tourism and Architecture Heritage, Architectural planning and promotion of tourism, Holistic design.
Since 1996 he is a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece, and architects associations and decorators, so operating as a freelancer. The architectural work focuses on design – interior design of private and commercial architectural residential buildings studies, special buildings and public open spaces.
He has participated in public architectural competitions.